Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Science in a Van

Today, Science in a Van came to visit Owairaka School: run by Alan and Emily Worman.  There was a morning session, (for all students) and then after, there was a session for Kauri children that paid.
In the morning session:

😀 Emily  pulled a tablecloth with cups and jugs on it and explained the                 force of ‘pull’.
😀 Alan did the opposite; he put 3 glasses on a board with strings attaching it, and swung the board around in a circle. Guess what? The glasses didn’t fall off!
In the Kauri session:
🤗Alan taught us about dry ice. He told us that dry ice has to be made at -75॰C. It’s special, because it goes straight from its solid form, to its gas form; never a liquid. He warned us never to put lots of dry ice into a container and put the lid on, because it will turn into gas (gas takes up more room than solids) and the pressure in the container will make it explode.
👶Emily taught us about the periodic table:

To make it easier for us, she told us to imagine it as The Earth’s Cupboard.

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